Exclusives : Adding Value: Researchers Provide First Steps in Developing KVIs

Adding Value: Researchers Provide First Steps in Developing KVIs

6GWorld recently released an article on the potential of  Key Value Indicators as a method both to assess the societal value of what is done in telecoms and to enable new ways to negotiate business models and engagements based on that value. One of the major challenges we face, though, is developing the means to create and manage KVIs.

Recently a group of researchers have taken the first step in this process, releasing a report Key value indicators: A framework for values-driven next-generation ICT solutions”

As the authors note, “Today, societal challenges and sustainable development goals are calling for a paradigm shift towards aligning technology development with a values-based consideration and re-prioritization of different ecological, social and economic outcomes.”

While some environments, such as environmentalism, have been developing something along those lines before to cover off particular issues, the challenge facing the telecoms sector is much broader. The paper offers a framework that may be suited to that context.

There are certainly limits to the paper’s five-step framework. The authors comment that “the KVI framework is aimed to be a useful tool for the ICT research sector (to be used – primarily but not exclusively – by ICT research projects and programs) to address social challenges in technology design and development phases and to identify and estimate value outcomes from technology use. In addition, the proposed framework aims to assist policy makers to establish value-related targets and set requirements and conditions for ICT developments.”

As a result there is clearly more work to be done to translate some of this, or re-think it, for use in a commercial environment and for decision-making on more specific areas. However, it offers a useful step on the way to delivering usable Key Value Indicators.

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