Conceptualizing Security in a 6G World

The physical world of 2030 and beyond will be more networked, digitised and automated than ever before, depending on connectivity and AI to function. How do we make sure that bad actors cannot exploit this to endanger lives and economies?

Commissioned by 6GWorld, this ABI Research report maps out the interplay between security challenges and the evolution beyond 5G networks, including recommendations for action today and further reading.

IEEE – The Road Towards 6G: A Comprehensive Survey

IEEE members Wei Jiang, Bin Han,
Mohammad Asif Habibi, and Hans Dieter Schotten collate a comprehensive survey of 6G’s elements, status, and possible future directions. The authors investigate 6G as a set of communications network technologies, and apply a scope and treatment appropriate to that definition.

ITU – Digital Skills Insights 2020: Data Literacy, Programming Skills, Employment & Gender Gaps

“The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the digital transition and revealed the challenges that still exist when it comes to connecting households and people, as well as the digital skills required to participate effectively in the online world. As a result of the pandemic, the need for a digitally competent population and the demand for a digitally skilled workforce has grown even more pronounced.”