Marco Lourenco


Marco Barros Lourenco is a technologist and a cybersecurity researcher with an international career spanning more than 25 years, mainly in the technology and security sectors. Marco started his career as a data forensics analyst for the financial industry and then transitioned to developing criminal investigation technology for West African countries. With experience in law […]

Greg Young


Greg Young has 30 years of experience in enterprise class security. As a Research Vice President with Gartner for 13 years Greg advised thousands of companies and governments on how to better secure themselves, evaluated and advised hundreds of security vendors, and has seen those same technologies successfully used, abused, put on a shelf, or […]

Michela Menting


Michela Menting, Research Director at ABI Research, delivers analyses and forecasts focusing on digital security. Through this service, she studies the latest solutions in cybersecurity technologies, blockchain, IoT and critical infrastructure protection, risk management and strategies, and opportunities for growth. She then delivers end-to-end security research, from the silicon to cyber-based applications, closely analyzing technology […]