Key Value Indicators – Making Good Business

Key Value Indicators are an overlooked element in 6G’s development. Get them right and they’ll be transformational to the industry as a framework to talk business and social value as well as technology.

Dynamic infrastructure-as-a-service: A key paradigm for 6G networks and application to maritime communications – ITU

This paper highlights the missing elements in 5G that prevent evolutions of this technology from meeting future needs. Instead, they propose a disruptive communication paradigm to “ultimately enable the radical evolution of the current systems”, that interlink connectivity and computing seamlessly. They propose 6G should be able to “integrate and release, in a dynamic manner, heterogeneous types of resources, such as diverse types of network entities/nodes with nomadic, relaying, and multi-tenancy capabilities, which can enable demand-driven service provisioning, coverage extension, increased network capacity, and reduced energy consumption.”

Editorial – Dispelling Common 6G Illusions

There are a good many misconceptions popping up about what 6G is or should be, and which lead to the concept being dismissed all too easily. By digging into some of these misconceptions.