

Consultant, Former FCC Senior Spectrum Policy Manager

Michael Marcus was overeducated in electrical engineering from MIT. Prior to working at FCC for almost 25 years, he worked at Bell Labs, served in the U.S. Air Force, and analyzed electronic warfare issues at the Institute for Defense Analyses. At FCC his work focused on proposing and developing policies for cutting edge radio technologies such as spread spectrum/CDMA and millimeterwaves. Wi-Fi and Bluetooth are results of his early leadership. He is now Director of Marcus Spectrum Solutions LLC, an independent consulting firm based in the Washington DC area and focusing on wireless technology and policy. He also teaches at Virginia Tech. He was recognized as a Fellow of the IEEE and received in 2013 the IEEE ComSoc Award for Public Service in the Field of Telecommunications “For pioneering spectrum policy initiatives that created modern unlicensed spectrum bands for applications that have changed our world.”