Harald Gruber

Harald Gruber

Head of Digital Infrastructure, European Investment Bank

Harald Gruber is head of the Digital Infrastructure Division at the Projects Directorate of the European Investment Bank based in Luxembourg. He oversees project appraisal in the digital economy and space sectors and advises on the Bank’s business strategy with respect to financing of broadband infrastructure, innovation policy and the digital economy in general. He has also contributed in work related to the contribution of SMEs toward the innovation policy of the Bank as well as the role of start-up companies. He has also led the EIB’s technical appraisal team in assessment of financing of SME and start-up companies with special reference to digitalisation.

Harald has also a considerable record of accomplishment in scientific publication. Recent work is on proposals for a digital industrial policy  https://www.eib.org/en/stories/digital-industry-revolution . More in general, he has published articles in refereed journals such as Economic Policy, European Economic Review, Telecommunications Policy, Information Economics and Policy and International Journal of Industrial Organisation. He has published The Economics of Mobile Telecommunications at Cambridge University Press in 2005.

He is on the editorial board of academic journals such as Telecommunications Policy, Information Economics and Policy, Journal of Industrial and Business Economics.

He has also been a professor at Bocconi University (Milan) for telecommunications economics.

Harald Gruber holds a Ph.D. in Economics from the London School of Economics.