
Georg Serentschy

Managing Partner, Serentschy Advisory Services GmbH

Georg Serentschy’s professional career spans a period of more than 40 years. It began in the field of nuclear physics, after which he devoted himself to industrial research and development in various industrial high-tech areas such as software development, solar energy, aerospace and telecommunications. After his industrial career, he joined Arthur D. Little, a strategy consulting firm. The next step was to head the Regulatory Authority for Telecommunications in Austria (RTR-GmbH) for more than a decade. The highlight of his regulatory career was the chairmanship and vice-chairmanship of BEREC (Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications). In 2014, he founded his own consulting boutique focused on advising the C-suite and top experts in the digital sector (platforms, telecom, media and technology) on strategy, regulation & competition, spectrum policy, cybersecurity policy and innovation. One of the main focus areas of his consulting work is the strategic positioning of companies in a specific regulatory environment. In parallel, Georg serves as Senior Advisor for the Communication practice and the Public Policy Practice of the global law firm Squire Patton Boggs