Dr. Chih-Lin I

Dr. Chih-Lin I

Chief Scientist, Wireless Technologies, China Mobile Research Institute

Chih-Lin I is CMCC Chief Scientist of Wireless Technologies. She received Ph.D. EE from Stanford University. She has won 2005 IEEE ComSoc Stephen Rice Prize, 2018 IEEE ComSoc Fred W. Ellersick Prize, the 7th IEEE Asia-Pacific Outstanding Paper Award, and 2015 IEEE Industrial Innovation Award for Leadership and Innovation in Next-Generation Cellular Wireless Networks.

She is the Chair of O-RAN Technical Steering Committee and an O-RAN Executive Committee Member, the Chair of FuTURE 5G/6G SIG, the Chair of WAIA (Wireless AI Alliance) Executive Committee, an Executive Board Member of GreenTouch, a Network Operator Council Founding Member of ETSI NFV, a Steering Board Member and Vice Chair of WWRF, a Steering Committee member and the Publication Chair of IEEE 5G and Future Networks Initiatives, the Founding Chair of IEEE WCNC Steering Committee, the Director of IEEE ComSoc Meetings and Conferences Board, a member of IEEE ComSoc SDB, SPC, and CSCN-SC, and a Scientific Advisory Board Member of Singapore NRF.

She has published over 200 papers in scientific journals, book chapters and conferences and holds over 100 patents. She is co-author of the book “Green and Software-defined Wireless Networks – From Theory to Practice” and has also Co-edited two books: “Ultra-dense Networks – Principles and Applications” and “5G Networks – Fundamental Requirements, Enabling Technologies, and Operations Management”. She is a Fellow of IEEE and a Fellow of WWRF. Her current research interests center around ICDT Deep Convergence: “From Green & Soft to Open & Smart”.