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Chathura Sarathchandra

Senior Staff Researcher, InterDigital Labs

Chathura Sarathchandra is a senior staff researcher at InterDigital Labs Europe. He leads projects on system enablers for emerging technologies (such as Metaverse/XR) and he is the Innovation Manager of HEU 6G-XR project. CHathura is a senior member of IEEE. He also regularly participates in various pre-standardization and standardization activities.

He received his B.Sc. Hons. and Ph.D from the school of Computer Science & Electronic Engineering of the University of Essex, U.K., and he has been awarded the UEssex scholarship for pursuing his Ph.D. Chathura has worked on various private, national, E.U. and international projects. He has held several IEEE & ACM program committee memberships (e.g., ACM SIGCOMM, IEEE CloudCom, IFIP Networking). His current research interests fall within the general areas of wireless systems and mobile distributed systems.