The Royal Decree appointing Mr. Arturo Azcorra Saloña as General Director of Telecommunications and Management of Audiovisual Communication Services was approved in the Council of Ministers, on Tuesday, April 27, 2021.
Graduated from Loy-Norrix High-School, Michigan. Telecommunications Engineer with the degree of doctor. Master in Business Administration (“Executive MBA”) from the Instituto de Empresa where he graduated with the number one of his class.
He is a professor in the Department of Telematics Engineering at the Carlos III University of Madrid. In 2006 he was appointed director of the Imdea Networks International Research Institute, a position he continues to hold today. He served as general director of Technology Transfer and Business Development of the Ministry of Science and Innovation until he was appointed general director of the Center for Industrial Technological Development (CDTI). In 2012 he rejoined his Chair at Carlos III and the direction of the IMDEA Networks institute. In October 2018 he was appointed a member of the European Academy of Sciences “Academia Europaea”. Since 2016 he is the vice president of the 5TONIC laboratory.
He holds six patents in telecommunications technologies, some of them in operation. He has participated in thirty competitive research projects funded by the European Union within the framework of the ESPRIT, RACE, COMETT, Telematics, ACTS, IST, and ICT programs directing multiple of them. He is the author of more than one hundred publications in journals, books and international conferences of the highest scientific level.
He has made guest stays as a researcher at ICSI of the University of Berkeley in 2000, and at MIT in 2002. In November 2020 he was awarded the ACM MSWIM Reginald Fessenden International Research Prize, for his contributions to the midhaul and core of 5G networks.
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