Ari Pouttu

Ari Pouttu

Centre for Wireless Communications, University of Oulu

Prof. Ari Pouttu has scientific and engineering experience as a researcher, project manager and research manager in various domains of ICT development. The projects under his command have resulted in waveforms and system designs for military radio communication, radar systems, embedded device networks, future wireless radio communications including cellular systems, cognitive networks, and navigation applications. He has published more than 60 conferences or journal papers in the field of wireless communications and he holds two patents. He was the Director of Centre for Wireless Communications in the University of Oulu from 2006 to 2012. Currently, he is heading as a professor a research group targeting dependable wireless solutions for business verticals such as energy, industry, health and automotive including solutions for 5G. He is the principal investigator of 5G test network (5GTN) experimental research, co-PI of H2020 Sat5G project, and is acting as vice-director of the national 6Genesis flagship targeting 6G solutions.