Network Energy Reduction A Spur to Radical Innovation
Demands for improved coverage, capacity and performance do not obviously tie in with reducing energy use and environmental impact. Combining these demands is pushing research and design into new areas: can the business ecosystem keep pace with the technology changes?
6G must not be a ‘step change,’ says BT Research Director – TelecomTV
NGMN brings together US and Chinese operators for 6G – Light Reading
Telecoms Industry Gets Serious About Building Sustainable Networks
The telecoms industry is firmly on the frontlines of decarbonisation policies globally. Recent weeks have seen the launch of several new grassroots initiatives by the industry that could drastically reduce telecoms’ environmental impact.
NGMN on the Same Page as ITU, Report Says
The NGMN Alliance has published a report comparing the initiative’s visions on 6G to the recently approved IMT-2030 framework