The Roadmap of Communication and Networking in 6G for the Metaverse – IEEE

This paper aims to depict the roadmap to the Metaverse in terms of communication and networking in 6G, including illustrating the framework of the Metaverse, revealing the strict requirements and challenges for 6G to realize the Metaverse, and discussing the fundamental technologies to be integrated in 6G to drive the implementation of the Metaverse, including intelligent sensing, digital twin (DT), space-air-ground-sea integrated network (SAGSIN), multi-access edging computing (MEC), blockchain, and the involved security issues.

Guest Post: The Critical Need for Automated Assurance & Operations in a 6G World

This article takes a look at some of the expected technology deployments in the course of the next 15 years, which iwill reduce time-to-market for new solutions and improve return on investment (ROI) for telcos. We’ll look at what this means for telcos’ assurance needs in meeting urgent business challenges flexibly, but still ensuring that KPIs and business objectives are met.

6G Drivers, Use Cases and KPIs: 6GSymposium

The first panel session at the 6GSymposium brought together experts from Ericsson, Qualcomm, Samsung, T-Mobile and Virginia Tech to unravel the ‘why’ of 6G. Moderator Caroline Gabriel takes the panelists through a wide range of ideas and fields questions from the audience.