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TAG: design

Instilling Values: Oversight & Error

"What gets measured gets managed," they say. While many visions of 6G have strong societal and ethical components to them, is anyone doing any measuring - and are they the right people? 6GWorld explored in conversation with Paul Timmers and Georg Serentschy.

6G Architecture Design: from Overall, Logical and Networking Perspective – IEEE

Architecture determines what and how the network services are provided, as well as the overall system efficiency, scalability, etc. This article proposes high-level designs of the 6G architecture. Three key innovation motivations are analysed and the gaps of 5G network are identified according to the operator's experience in real large-scale network deployment. Those observations help to generate the key “Design Principles” about the 6G architecture.

Guest Post: 6G – Fitting the Market Needs of the 2030s

"In 6G standardisation it might be a good idea to listen to the needs of the non-public network clientele as this is the only sizable area of growth for the 3GPP ecosystem right now." In this guest post Heikki Almay, CEO of Poutanet, sets out some ideas for 6G architecture that might help make 6G a more marketable proposition.

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