Network AI Evolution, 5G to 6G

While recently AI has been touted as ‘the most over-hyped technology’ currently in public consciousness, telecoms has used different forms of automation and machine learning [ML] for years. However, using “Network AI” as a term is not necessarily helpful or descriptive when we’re talking about change from the current situation towards something more pervasive. 6GWorld […]

The Faces of Network AI: Toddler, Retriever, Mafia, Villain

“It really comes down to control: the more automation you have, the less control you have.” So said Craig Gibson, founder of Dupewise, in conversation with 6GWorld recently. Gibson has been working with artificial intelligence, and more particularly with managing its more problematic sides. “Really what you’re doing is delegating all of the resource management […]

Guest Post: Driving Telco’s Evolution with GenAI Innovation

By Anthony Goonetilleke, Group President of Technology and Head of Strategy, Amdocs.     Keeping up with the times is becoming even more challenging as the pace of technology accelerates to unprecedented levels. Those who fail to adapt risk becoming irrelevant in a fast-moving market. The exponential growth in generative AI (GenAI) over the past […]