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TAG: access

An Internet of Data May be on the Horizon

GSMA Open Connect is one of the multiple approaches over the years that have sought to take advantage of mobile operators’ data. Yet they have been stymied repeatedly in using that data to its full extent.

There are, however, developments beyond the traditional telecoms domain that might help to turn that around.

Not Lost in Fog – An Edgeless Global Wireless Network (AKA 6G?)

The concept of an endless fog is not much different from that of 6G, insofar as every device acts both as a transmitter and a receiver, talking to every other device.

If we left it to existing industry players to work this out amongst themselves, we might wait until 99G.
However, the next iteration of the loX (including “things” such as metaverse) is the wild card that may reshape this.

LEO Satellite Access Network (LEO-SAN) Towards 6G: Challenges and Approaches – ArXiv

This paper aims at revealing the main technical issues that have not been fully addressed by the existing LEO-SAN designs, from three aspects namely random access, beam management and Doppler-resistant transmission technologies. Promising technologies to address these challenges are also discussed, respectively. Finally, the future research directions are envisioned.

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