5G Ecosystems – 5GIA

A strong 5G can support 6G evolution; and creating an ecosystem supporting profitable business models for all stakeholders is essential. This white paper discusses 5G ecosystems as a prerequisite for value creation for and by the engaged stakeholders and return of investment as a potential award for the engagement.
A clear identification of 5G stakeholders supports the creation and evolution of the 5G ecosystems by characterising the potential role that each actor can assume.

GSA: 5G National Spectrum Positions, April 2021

Spectrum in the 4400-5000 MHz range is of interest for mobile services, and although the market is at an early stage, an increasing number of countries are considering this spectrum for IMT. Sub-bands in the 4400-5000 MHz range have coprimary mobile allocation. At WRC-19 over 40 countries identified some or all of the spectrum in this range for IMT. A few countries have assigned spectrum in this range already.

The charts in this document show GSA’s current understanding of the state of mobile operator licensing around the world at 4400 MHz to 5000 MHz

WEF Global Risks Report 2021 – Digital, Economy, Climate, Social

The 16th edition of the World Economic Forum’s Global Risks Report analyses long term and short term risks from societal fractures—manifested through persistent and emerging risks to human health, rising unemployment, widening digital divides, youth disillusionment and geopolitical fragmentation. Businesses risk a disorderly shakeout which can exclude large cohorts of workers and companies from the markets of the future. Environmental degradation—still an existential threat to humanity—risks intersecting with societal fractures to bring about severe consequences.

36 Transformative Technology Stats for 2021 and Beyond – ABI

We are at the very beginnings of a massive technological evolution and the forecasts presented in this paper are but tea leaves in the fortune teller’s cup. However, they are important directional indicators
of the technology-enabled world of the future based on ABI’s research.