Industry News : Samsung and Arm to Research 6G Processing Technique

Samsung and Arm to Research 6G Processing Technique

Samsung Research and semiconductor and software design company Arm announced they are collaborating to advance parallel packet processing technology for 6G networks. More specifically, the tech giants will focus on Single Instruction Multiple Data (SIMD).

SIMD is a technique in which one instruction can process multiple data elements simultaneously. This approach is used, among other things, for videos and images.

According to the companies, optimising the processing of large amounts of data will be pivotal for future networks, namely 6G.

“AI is fueling the demand for next-generation technologies like 6G, but the insatiable amount of data creates a vital need for power-efficient processing,” said Mohamed Awad, Senior VP and General Manager, Infrastructure Line of Business of Arm.

According to a press release Samsung sent out, future data growth will provide parallel packet processing technology with an opportunity to contribute to the establishment of flexible and efficient communication systems.

“In 6G communications, the importance of software technology is increasing. Innovation is crucial in handling the massive amounts of data that result from this,” said Jinguk Jeong, Executive Vice President at Samsung Research’s Advanced Communications Research Center (ACRC). “This technical partnership with Arm is a significant step towards revolutionising parallel technology.”

As part of the collaboration, Samsung Research plans to launch an open-source project with Arm to develop and refine parallel packet processing technology together.

“We are leveraging our expertise in high-performance, low-power and flexible computing by collaborating with Samsung Research to accelerate the 6G software development and enable the AI infrastructure to run as efficiently as possible,” Awad added.

Established in May 2019, Samsung Research’s ACRC is dedicated to leading the charge in developing next-generation communication technologies, actively engaging in standardisation efforts, researching 6G technologies and enhancing advanced communication software solutions such as parallel packet processing and AI.




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