Industry News : 6G Flagship to Assist Finland’s Defence and Security Efforts

6G Flagship to Assist Finland’s Defence and Security Efforts

University of Oulu, home to 6G Flagship

The University of Oulu announced that its Faculty of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering (ITEE) has joined the Digital Defence Ecosystem (DDE), a collaboration ecosystem to advance Finland’s defence and security capabilities. Finnish initiative 6G Flagship will play an important role in research, the university said.

The announcement comes two months after the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) approved Finland’s proposal to establish two test centres in the country, one of which will focus on 6G research in Oulu.

“We have deep expertise in military communications research dating back to the late 1980s,” says Matti Latva-aho, Director of the 6G Flagship programme at ITEE. “The increasing convergence of civil and defence technologies makes the 6G Test Centre a natural strategic opportunity for us.”

According to the institution, the University of Oulu’s expertise in ICT, 6G, microelectronics, sensor technologies, AI, edge computing, embedded systems, and cybersecurity will enhance the collective capabilities of DDE. In return, the university expects to “gain valuable insights into the latest applications and development needs for technology and know-how.”

“6G aims to converge traditionally separate functions like communications and radar into one multipurpose solution using large antenna arrays and AI,” explained Hannu Nikurautio, Research Director at 6G Flagship responsible for defence initiatives. “Our Test Centre will be a platform to prove these paradigm-shifting capabilities for dual-use civil and defence applications.”

Jarmo Puputti, the Ecosystem Lead of DDE, also celebrated the newcomers. “We are always thrilled to have new and innovative members join the ecosystem. The joining of the University of Oulu will strengthen the existing NATO DIANA network of the ecosystem beyond VTT,” he said.

Featured picture by Safa Hovinen/Flickr




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