
Mutasem Hamdan

Research Fellow, University of Surrey

Mutasem Q. Hamdan received his B. Eng. from The University of Jordan as an electrical engineer in 2004. Worked internationally at many telecom infrastructure implementations for 2G/3G Motorola, NEC and Ericsson RAN technologies from 2004 to 2010. Then received his MSc in Broadband communications from Lancaster University in 2011. Joined as a solutions architect for the Handsfree Group for telematics and fleet management company at Manchester, where he worked on different telecom technologies and deployed the 4G, 4G+ Huawei, and Ericsson RAN technologies and telematics for fleets management. Then in 2018, he joined the University of Manchester as a PhD student in electrical and electronic engineering. At the end of 2021, he started working at the University of Surrey as Research Fellow in 5G and Beyond 5G Network Technology and research time synchronization reliability and resilience. In addition to Machine Learning for Open RAN Intelligent controller (RIC).