Christina Data Headshot

Cristina Data

Director of Policy & Analysis, Ofcom

Cristina is Director of Spectrum Information and Analysis at the UK’s communications regulator Ofcom and has responsibility for providing spectrum insight on market trends, through the use of data. Cristina is also Cristina is leading Ofcom’s work to make spectrum available for 5G, looking at the role 5G will play, alongside other technology developments such as AI and edge computing, in enabling innovation across a wide range of industry sectors.

Cristina has led the developments of Spectrum Group information and data strategy, focusing on making the data on spectrum use more accessible; identifying additional data necessary to inform Ofcom spectrum policies, and ensuring that they have the most appropriate analytical tools.

Cristina has also been overseeing Ofcom’s open data strategy to ensure the release of relevant information in open format for ease of reuse. She has been in this role with Ofcom since August 2014, having previously been their Head of Operational Efficiency (2008-2014) where she was part of the Organisational Development Directorate, in charge of all change and efficiency projects across operational and regulatory areas.