Dr. Angelos Goulianos is a terrestrial and satellite systems expert with over 15 years of experience in the field of wireless communications. He is part of the 5G Strategic Programme Line (SPL) team at European Space agency (ESA), Centre for Space Applications and Telecommunications (ECSAT). Angelos is driving and managing numerous activities in the field of Non-Terrestrial Networks (NTN) and their integration with terrestrial 5G deployments (TN). In addition, he is the technical lead of the ECSAT 5G/6G hub, a 5G SPL initiative to foster collaboration and innovation among terrestrial/satellite operators, vendors, and system integrators. He is following closely the Satellite Special Interest Group (SSIG) as well as the latest 3GPP standardization activities. His main research interests involve direct to device communications, NTN deployment architectures, standardized open interfaces for terrestrial and space systems, as well as service management and orchestration for TN/NTN, among others.
Prior to joining ESA, Angelos was with Real Wireless, Satellite Applications Catapult and University of Bristol (UK), where he was leading numerous R&D and commercial activities in satcom systems engineering, 5G/LTE system performance, OTA testing and OpenRAN. Angelos holds a PhD from University of Surrey, and he is the author of over 30 journal and conference papers in the field of wireless communications.
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