The 6G Ambient IoT Opportunity For Supply Chain – ABI

A new class of Ambient Internet-of-Things (IoT) technology, which delivers pervasive connectivity to products that were previously disconnected, can help supply chains provide that much-needed granular real-time visibility.
A Dynamic QoS Guarantee Mechanism in NFV-enabled Networks – IEEE

In this paper, we focus on the multi-traffic scheduling in VNF-based service orchestration. We propose a dynamic multi-service Quality of Service (QoS) Guarantee approach, which aims to reduce data coupling between multiple services and bandwidth preemption. Then we devise a service scheduling algorithm to allocate link resources for network services. The simulation results demonstrate that our method efficiently reduces network congestion and ensures high-priority services’ trouble-free running.
Internet of wearable things: Advancements and benefits from 6G technologies – ScienceDirect

The great achievements in electronics, automation, and digital communication technologies in the sixth-generation (6G) era has significantly accelerated the development of smart wearables and the personal ecosystems realizing the Internet of wearable things (IoWT). As the IoWT technologies have not matured yet, a keen knowledge of current states and future research trends is of importance to promote the popularization of the technology. In this review article, we investigate state-of-the-art characteristics of IoWT to identify its advancements and benefits from 6G technologies.
Optimal energy-harvesting design for AF and DF two-way relay beamforming in 6G – Eurasip

Energy consumption is an important point which is crucial for green communications in 6G era, especially for those networks with limited life span or affected by dangerous environments where batteries are inconvenient to be changed. Therefore, energy harvesting (EH) has become a very attractive research field in recent years. In this paper, a new type of two-way EH relay beamforming system with two transceivers and many single-antenna relays is designed.
6G: Sustainable Development for Rural and Remote Communities – New publication

Focussed on India, the book covers a variety of feasible technology options, both wired and wireless, to enable 6G connectivity in rural and remote regions. Along with the enabling technology options, the book also covers important aspects such as human-computer interaction, business models for the local operator ecosystem, regulatory and right-of-way policies, security and privacy, and future challenges related to technology migration, urbanization, and scalability.