Data Privacy: Strong Regulations Need Strong Enforcement

Personal data laws are a relatively new invention and is still a wild west. As governments everywhere underline the need for greater digital trust, can consumers and regulators even be sure current laws are being followed? This interview with IMDEA Networks’ Narseo Vallina-Rodriguez highlighted some striking stories.

Telco Infrastructure Build And Maintenance In For A 2020s Revamp

Without dramatic change in the processes and models of telecoms infrastructure management, the spread of coverage and capacity to meet the projected demands of 5G and 6G will founder. 6GWorld spoke to experts at Parallel Wireless and BT about a variety of methods to reinvent the cost bases of telecoms infrastructure during the coming decade.

Digital Trust, Hate Speech and Suppressing Malware

Without ‘Digital Trust’ and the public’s ability to feel safe with new innovations, adoption of future services will falter. We spoke to a leading researcher about how to balance freedom of speech with online safety and the effect of combining psychology and technology.

MEC and Disaggregation To Reshape the 2030 Telecoms Landscape

6GWorld recently sat down with David Stokes, one of Ribbon’s leading thinkers, to explore the parallel evolution of business models and technology required to deliver services anywhere sustainably. The conversation roamed from the transport network to hardware disaggregation, competition models, orchestration, energy management and more.